• Website | Home Page

    Website | Home Page

  • Website


  • Website | Providers

    Website | Providers

  • Website | Social

    Website | Social

  • Carena | Webcam Video

    Carena | Webcam Video

  • Presentation Materials

    Presentation Materials

  • Care Simple User Interface

    Care Simple User Interface

there a Doctor in the house?

It’s nothing short of a revolution in healthcare. You turn on your computer and tell the doc what’s wrong. Using webcams, phones, and house calls, Carena takes personal medical care to a new level. To convey the message to a national B to B audience, Palazzo designed and developed a website that reflects the personal approach Carena brings to their unique brand of healthcare. We also named their new consumer based 24/7 virtual house call service, “Care Simple”. In less than 60 days we shored up the institutional Carena website, created a tutorial video on webcam house calls, named and positioned the consumer service, designed a website and marketing materials, conducted user experience studies, identified key benefit messages, and created a launch marketing, advertising and PR plan.